Declared technologies base



Purpose of the development: Purpose: The machine is designed for high AFSHV streaming of coal from thin (0.4-1.5 m) layers with an angle of incidence from 0 to 60 ° without human intervention in the conventional and complex geological conditions of high pressure and high mountain depths of development. Versatility does not require ventilation lava.

Recommended application field: Mining industry.

Technical characteristic: Technical indicators: The organization works - In-line, without human seizure of thin layers. The velocity of the cleaning face length of 100 m ........................................... 50-100 m / day. Performance ................................................. . 1000 t / shift. The cost of the unit .......................................... 300-500 thous. The payback period ................................................ . less than 1 month.

Advantages over analogues: The advantages and efficiency: - Process, without human intervention, automation, mechatronics; - Ensuring the scheme "mine-lava" with high performance. AFSHV unit has great export potential and could be a serious competition in the global market of mining equipment.

The development stage readiness: Introduced in production

Technical and economic effect: The annual output of 150-200 units in Ukraine AFSHV will reduce staff underground workers by 4-5 times, avoid injuries, improve safety and comfort underground work, reduce the cost of coal to 70 ... 100 USD. / T expected annual economic impact of the introduction of the coal industry of Ukraine exceed 20-30 bln.

Description of the development:
Actuality: For thin coal seams is no satisfactory purification technology. existing coal combines and plows sophisticated in design, are quite expensive, unproductive, not suitable for automation require a large crew, the utilization rate less 0.2-0.3; malokomfortnye working conditions, dangerous and belong to the category of high severity. Design features of the unit AFSHV: a brand new line-up in the form of a screw, the armed cutters for the front of the formation of destruction across the working face, self-adaptation to hypsometry.

corresponds technical description
Ready for implementation

Possibility of transfer abroad:
Licence's sale
Realization of finished commodity


Country Ukraine

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