Declared technologies base



Purpose of the development: Beet seed treatment and oppression of the first generation of beet nematode.

Recommended application field: Agriculture.

Advantages over analogues: The best anti nematitsid effect observed using mixtures of drugs in half cost rate: furadan - 30 ml / bp + Cruiser - 10 ml / bp, and insecticides: furadan - 50 ml / bp + Cruiser - 20 ml / n . on. These variants of the worm population decreased by 69-82%.

The development stage readiness: tested in laboratory condition

Description of the development:
Beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii Schmidt - the most common parasite that attacks the sugar beet in all countries of their cultivation. In this case, diseased plants are stunted or killed, which adversely affects the crop losses of culture by 70%. Protection against nematodes complicated by the microscopic size of the parasites, they proliferate. Under present conditions, when the use of nematicides is prohibited, and seed dressing insecticides is obligatory reception protect sugar beet plants from pest complex, it is useful to assess treatment effect on the number of sugar poisons nematodes. Established that each insecticide with processing them seeds significantly inhibited the development of the first generation of sugar nematodes. At the end of June (when the image of brown cysts), in versions with treated seeds poison parasite decline was observed in all cases (from 41% to 84%), this time under the control of the parasite population has grown. Insecticides and their mixtures can inhibit nematode infestation only for the period of their action, affecting thus the development of only the first generation of the parasite. In the future, through the development of the next generation sugar nematode is capable of reproducing in numbers. The best action protivonematitsidnoe noted using mixtures of drugs in half cost rate: furadan - 30 ml / bp + Cruiser - 10 ml / bp, and insecticides: furadan - 50 ml / bp + Cruiser - 20 ml / n about. These variants of the worm population decreased by 69-82%.

Possibility of transfer abroad:
Licence's sale


Country Ukraine

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