Declared technologies base



Technical characteristic: Main technical characteristics of АСSЕD: The main component of pulverized-coal feeders АСSЕD is AC electric drive based on asynchronous motor with shortcircuited rotor and frequency converter with built-in or external controller that performs motor control in closedcircuit feedback system by following technological parameters: - coolant pressure in return pipelines fuel (gas) - air relationship furnace; - depression in boiler; - single-circuit (multiple-circuit) control system of technological parameters of boiler unit that uses analog-to-digital speed correction controllers operating in boiler rooms with discrete output РПІБ; for feedback formation by technological parameter; - optimum relationship maintenance fuel (gas) - air, depression by use of conventional operating units МЕО or modern frequency electric drives. - operating range of electric drives speed control 10:1; - precise maintenance of electric drive speed in each group under variable load moment change not less than 1%; - diagnostics and control of electric drives or boiler rooms by use of control panels and visualization, including remote control units and methods; - readiness to operate in АСS of any level.

Advantages over analogues: The proposed ways for modernization of currently operated boiler units with low and average capacity based on new АСSЕD will enable to develop simple, reliable and economical systems of fuel supply, reduce general and specific electric power consumption, reduce specific fuel (coal dust) consumption, increase maneuverability of boiler units, reduce service and repair costs for electrical equipment of boilers, increase operating life of main and additional equipment of boiler units.

The development stage readiness: Introduced in production

Description of the development:
Operation of boiler rooms with low and average capacity for production of coolants for industrial and residential buildings is based on fuel consumption (gas, black oil, combustible waste) and electric power consumed in boiler rooms for own needs, mainly for operation of electric drives of district heating and supply pumps, smoke exhausters and ventilators. To reduce nonproductive consumption of electric power and fuel burned in furnaces in the process of thermal power unit production, increase maneuverability of boiler units it is necessary to develop and implement modern automation control systems of technological processes in boiler rooms, namely automation control system of electric drives (АСSЕD) for own needs. Scientific-and the Institute of ElS ciences have electric drives pumps, smoke combustion ra consumed pow increasing boil. Pulverized-coal feeders АСSЕD were put into operation-technical company «ТЕМS» together with ectrodynamics of National Academy of developed automation control systems of (АСSЕD) of district heating and supply exhausters and ventilators. Under constant te they allow to save more than 50% of er and up to 10% of power fuel thus er efficiency. on boilers ДКВР and ТВГ used in boiler rooms of many industrial and utility enterprises of Ukraine by research workers of science-and-technical company «ТЕМS». They showed their operating efficiency and high level of saved electric power and fuel burned in furnaces. For their implementation the Institute of Electrodynamics and l company «ТЕМS» perform works on development of new control algorithms of pulverized-coal feeding technological processes as well as control programs and software for their implementation.

Possibility of transfer abroad:
Licence's sale
Realization of finished commodity


Country Ukraine

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