Declared technologies base



Purpose of the development: A fundamentally new structural and functional materials.

Recommended application field: Nanomaterials. Composite materials.

Advantages over analogues: COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: The material becomes the target of the composite structure, formed from the matrix metal and the new phases of the linear form, penetrating the matrix along its entire length with a density of up to 1500 mm2. Use a previously unknown new phenomenon ultradeep penetration of microparticles in solid metals.

The development stage readiness: Introduced in production

Technical and economic effect: The yield on the maximum power of ~ 1.5 years. The expected return on the project up to 2 years. The production capacity of minimum number of cutters per year - not less than 50,000.

Description of the development:
The technical realization of the project is to use the effect of super-deep penetration of solid microparticles into metals. Processing of metals by a clot of microparticles (up to 50 microns), a special explosive accelerator accelerated to a speed of 0.8 - 3.0 km / h The peculiarity of the process is the impact of shock waves and particles simultaneously passing through the metal structure. Such joint action would destabilize the chemical bonds and saturates the extra energy the microstructure of the metal. The microstructure gets fundamentally new physical properties, such as the ability to "easily" to allocate part of the internal energy of the activation of a spare and a significant increase in the scale of physical and chemical changes in the microstructure of the metal-initiated penetrating particles. In a metal target along the trajectory of the penetrating particles spontaneously formed new phase, consisting of the concatenation of each nanocrystal.

Possibility of transfer abroad:
Licence's sale
Realization of finished commodity


Country Ukraine

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