Declared technologies base



Purpose of the development: Ceramic and metal nanobiomaterials and implants based on them to ensure the current level and the rapid progress of surgery and other branches of medicine. Own results have shown to halve the period of postoperative stay of patients in the hospital, the possibility of treating injuries and diseases that were considered inoperable, the ability to significantly improve the quality of hip replacement, new products and treatments.

Recommended application field: Surgical Clinic and other medical organizations

Advantages over analogues: The cost of surgery and modern medicine in general in the world is growing very rapidly through the use of new materials and technologies, confirming the thesis that health - is priceless. Without the proposed project in the development of medical materials is impossible. The economic effect will be obtained as a by replacing imported products, the cost of which is now about 2 billion dollars. Per year, and due to rehabilitation of patients, as well as through the rational use of domestic raw materials (titanium, zirconium, etc.). And imports of the developed materials and technologies.

The development stage readiness: Ready for application

Technical and economic effect: The novelty of the technology involved in providing the basis for their development of new medical products, a significant improvement in the effectiveness of surgical bone and cartilage tissue, as well as other types of implant surgery, the creation of new types of medical treatment based on local drug delivery, gene therapy and others.

Description of the development:
Nanoceramic materials related bone (bioactive ceramics) - the only type of material is fully integrated with the body included in the body's metabolism and thus is able to adjust the recovery of the bone, as well as elements of homeostasis and other physiological processes in the body. Bioinert ceramics - the only type of material is completely neutral to the environment of the organism. Technologies for their synthesis are based on successive approximation properties of implants and coatings of these problems of reconstructing the type of bone, cartilage, acting as a local delivery and release of drugs, treatment of genetic defects, metal implants integrate with the bone, and others. New bioinert metallic alloys with coherent elastic modulus of bone - the only type of materials that offer truly unlimited service life of metallic implants (if any bioceramic coatings). The possibility of developing such alloys directly from the latest national studies of titanium alloys.

Possibility of transfer abroad:
Licence's sale


Country Ukraine

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