Declared technologies base



Purpose of the development: New high-precision flow meter is designed to measure the flow of motor fuel through the use of analog-to-digital converters and signal processing in the hot-wire flow meter (TAP).

Recommended application field: The automotive industry that deals with the diagnosis and maintenance of the station road vehicles.

Advantages over analogues: Scientific results obtained correspond to the world standards in the automotive industry. Main advantages: high accuracy and speed measurement of motor fuel, the use of computer algorithms to remove the parameters of processing temperatures. Patenting, competitive results: As part of the designed device used to measure the flow measurement of motor fuel, as well as algorithms for digital output processing TAP. These algorithms can be used to improve the accuracy and speed of TAP. Ukraine received a patent for invention number 91160.

The development stage readiness: Tested experimental exploitation order

Technical and economic effect: The economic attractiveness of development for market promotion, application and realization, parameters, price: The developed system provides the fuel consumption of the engine with an accuracy of 1%. Processing of the results is carried out on a computer. The operator can enter additional information about the current form of motor fuel and its physical and chemical properties. Depending on this computer adjusts the parameters of the algorithms conversion of temperature to the current value of cost of motor fuel. The result is more accurate counting and, as a consequence, increases the accuracy of the TAP. Computer also performs storage, analysis and storage of measurement data on the operating costs of motor fuel, which are fixed-meter invention. The estimated cost of a single instance of the system is 15 th.

Description of the development:
A mathematical model of the TAP. Improved method for measuring fluid flow with high viscosity (biofuels for cars), developed a method for correcting the measurement results of a new meter, taking into account the current viscosity and density of the liquid, using artificial neural networks for the correction of dynamic errors of the new VT. Development has completed a working model. Its production and use on an industrial scale requires further development of design documentation and prototypes. The practical results in the form of an automated measuring system introduced to the service station.

corresponds technical description
Reguires revision

Possibility of transfer abroad:
Licence's sale
Technological document's sale
Combinated reduction to industrial level


Country Ukraine

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