Declared technologies base



Purpose of the development: Developed by a group of digital methods of broadband spectral correlation-interferometric direction finding of radio signals and devices for their implementation.

Recommended application field: Businesses that develop radar.

Advantages over analogues: World novelty of the results is confirmed by three patents for inventions in Ukraine: № 84964, № 90068 and number 90619. A comparison with global peers: The developed methods and tools have the following advantages: increased more than tenfold performance of correlation-interferometric direction finding and up to 5 degrees to improve the accuracy of direction finding sources of spread spectrum signals, which are now widely used in communication systems for data transmission.

The development stage readiness: Ready for application

Technical and economic effect: The economic attractiveness of development for market promotion, application and realization, parameters, price: The developed methods and tools provide for the same hardware expenses direction finding with an error of 0.1 degrees sources spread spectrum signals with a signal-to-noise 0 dB with an order of magnitude higher performance, compared with the known analogues. The estimated cost of a single copy is 30 th.

Description of the development:
Provided a significant increase in speed and accuracy of radio direction finding sources of spread spectrum signals . New methods of direction finding based on the use of digital spectral analysis of radio signals received mixture and fast algorithms for correlation of the reduced frequency spectra of complex signals. Patenting , competitive results : As part of the 3 methods developed broadband spectral correlation- interferometric direction finding of radio signals and devices for their implementation, namely : 1. Digital method of spectral correlation and interferometric radio direction finding with the restoration of the operating frequency , which increases the precision direction finding sources of spread spectrum signals and noise interference to 5 degrees and up to 2 orders of magnitude increase of speed direction finding . 2 . Direct digital method of broadband spectral dispersion- correlation with the restoration of radio direction finding operating frequency at constant cost of hardware provides optimal order of magnitude higher speed direction finding , compared with the first developed method of spectral correlation and interferometric radio direction finding . 3 . Digital method of broadband integrated spectral-correlation radio direction finding using the AR, which provides for the constant increase in the cost of hardware procedure performance , greater accuracy and 30 dB noise immunity direction finding . State of readiness : Development has completed a working model of the digital direction finder , its manufacture and use of industrial-scale production requires preparation . Results of implementation : Practical research results in the form of algorithms , block diagrams finders introduced in Zhytomyr Institute of radio and the company "SKF radio ."

Information about newness of the development:
there are Ukrainian patents -- 3 items

corresponds technical description
Ready for implementation

Possibility of transfer abroad:
Licence's sale
Technological document's sale


Country Ukraine

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