Declared technologies base



Purpose of the development: Designed for use as a medium for magnetic-optical (MO) recording.

Recommended application field: Scope - Computer Engineering, Microelectronics.

The development stage readiness: Tested experimental exploitation order

Description of the development:
английский русский немецкий Определить язык Перевод текстов и веб-страниц Введите текст или адрес веб-сайта либо переведите документ. Отмена Po kompleksu potrebitel'skikh svoystv MO diski s mnogosloynymi plonkami Co/Pt, Co/Pd, Fe/Au znachitel'no prevoskhodyat opticheskiye diski (naprimer, plotnost' zapisi MO 5,25" sostavlyayet 2,6 Gb protiv 700 Mb dlya CD -R diskov). Razrabotany spektral'nyye metody diagnostiki atomnogo stroyeniya sloistykh nanostruktur. Vpervyye polucheny takzhe plenki ferromagnitnykh splavov Geyslera, kotoryye demonstriruyut effekt pamyati formy. Takiye plenki mogut nayti prakticheskoye primeneniye v mikroelektromekhanicheskikh ustroystvakh. Razrabotana al'ternativnaya sushchestvuyushchim tekhnologiya polucheniya plenok splavov s effektom pamyati formy. Rabota vypolnena sovmestno uchenymi NANU i Pol'skoy Akademii Nauk. Возможно, вы имели в виду: Балюк Святослав Антонович Пример использования слова "": автоматически переведено системой Google русский английский украинский On a set of consumer properties of MO disks with multilayer films of Co / Pt, Co / Pd, Fe / Au are far superior optical disks (eg, recording density MO 5.25 "is 2.6 GB vs 700 MB for CD-R discs). Developed spectral methods diagnostics of the atomic structure of layered nanostructures. First produced as films of ferromagnetic Heusler alloys that exhibit shape memory effect. Such films may find practical use in MEMS devices. Developed an alternative to existing technology of alloy films with shape memory effect. The work carried out jointly by scientists and the National Academy of Sciences of the Polish Academy Science.

Information about newness of the development:
there are Ukrainian patents -- 2 items

corresponds technical description
Conforms to technical characteristic

Possibility of transfer abroad:
Licence's sale
Licence's sale
Creation of joint enterprise


Country Ukraine

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