Declared technologies base



Purpose of the development: The technology is designed to produce ultra-pure hydrogen (99.9999% vol.).

Recommended application field: Application areas : Equipment to produce ultra-pure H2 : - It is advisable to use the proposed technology to produce ultra-pure hydrogen in enterprises where the disposal (incineration ) of large quantities of hydrocarbons , such as boilers or other devices for utilization of hydrocarbons; - The chemical and electronic industries . Ultra-pure hydrogen : - Detectors gas chromatographs ; - Hydrocarbon analyzers ; - Plasma systems and plasma chemical reactors ; - Other analytical instruments for research and industrial laboratories .

Technical characteristic: Features: - The temperature of the hydrogen generator: 300-700 * C; - The performance of the hydrogen generator (at 700 * C) -1 Nsm3 (H2) / s (3.6 liters / hour); - Hydrogen purity more than 99.9999% by volume - The performance of pilot plants 5 - 500 l / h

Advantages over analogues: Main advantages: - High-purity hydrogen - a byproduct from the combustion of hydrocarbons; - High-purity hydrogen is generated in one process; - Low power consumption in the preparation of the final product.

The development stage readiness: Pre-production model is made

Description of the development:
Product: Technology and apparatus for producing ultra-pure hydrogen . Technology for producing extremely pure hydrogen gas produces hydrogen by combustion of combustible compounds which contain in their chemical composition , hydrogen (eg : natural gas , coal, petrol, alcohol, etc. ) . Scheme of technological process of producing ultra-pure hydrogen : The scope of utilization ( combustion ) is fed flow of hydrocarbons , such as gas, alcohol or gasoline. The basic amount of the heat of combustion goes into heating the water. A small part of the heat of combustion heat is on passing the hydrogen generator . The resulting hydrogen into a chamber isolated from the combustion volume . Next, hydrogen is supplied to the consumer, for example, was admitted into the vacuum system . If necessary, the hydrogen can accumulate in a special tank ( komprematore ) made on the basis of the intermetallic compound . Stage of development : - Experimental laboratory facility with a capacity of 1 Nsm3 (H2) / s (3.6 L / h); - The technical solution for the creation of pilot plants for the production of ultra-pure hydrogen with a capacity of 5-500 l / h. Contact information: " TiDiSi " - Department of technology transfer, innovation and intellectual property.

Information about newness of the development:

1 шт.

corresponds technical description
Ready for implementation

Possibility of transfer abroad:
Licence's sale
Technological document's sale


Country Ukraine

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