Declared technologies base



Purpose of the development: The purpose of the innovative technology-development system cancer treatment of various human organs localization (gastrointestinal tract, skin, the female reproductive organs, the organs of urinary-genital system, and so on.) According to the method of photodynamic therapy using a photosensitizer domestic Giperflav, its methodological and software support . The system of cancer treatment by PDT (SLOZ-PDT) is designed to equip specialized medical, scientific and medical institutions of Medical Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Recommended application field: Medicine.

Advantages over analogues: K bezohovorochnûm Benefits Hyperflava compared to a second photosensitizer is possible to include: - Methods of administering a ego (oral ynúektsyy Instead, How to Most FS) and dozyrovanye; - Quick withdrawal IZ human organism (maximum of 24 hours during the days Vmesto 2-7); - The cost of comparative nebolshaya (The cost dyahnostycheskoy dozy Hyperflava 3-5 times cheaper, than The cost dozy Fotohema Or Fotosensa, and 10-15 times cheaper The cost something dozy Fotofryna). Availability razrabotannoho otechestvennoho photo sensybylyzatora Hyperflava allows us to conduct development naukoemnûh, patento- and konkurentnosposobnûh Clinical diagnostically and lechebnûh systems and complexes. K Development Benefits can be otnesty Also Ability equipping the base unit radiation raznoobraznûmy multichannel fiber-optical systems transportyruyuschymy (VOTS) co spryahatelnûm with him distal optical tools (odes) Will something sposobstvovat ýffektyvnomu irradiation bio human tissues organs and optimize raznoe lokalyzatsyy of medical specialists in Business Conduct lechebnoy protsedurû the method of PDT. C uchetom absence in Ukraine Patriotic methods and apparatury Treatment for oncologic diseases by photodynamic therapy method for Benefits neoproverzhymûm predlozhennoy development can be otnesty ee pyonerskyy nature and Almost 100% -oryentatsyyu on otechestvennoho manufacturers.

The development stage readiness: Tested experimental exploitation order

Description of the development:
Due to the prolonged effects of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in Ukraine there is an urgent need for the introduction into clinical practice of health institutions with modern medical technology to treat cancer by the method of photodynamic therapy. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is one of the most effective method of destruction of malignant tumors, which is increasingly used in clinical practice in many countries. PDT is the least invasive of the modern methods of cancer treatment, allowed repeated treatments in a relatively short period of time, is the only possible means of improving the living conditions of traditional surgically inoperable patients. PDT is suitable for the treatment of cancer at different stages of the disease, but it provides the greatest effect on the initial and early stages of the disease, which is defined by a relatively small penetration depth of optical radiation in biological tissues (2-3 cm). At the heart of the development of the phenomenon of photodynamic therapy (PDT) - viborochnoy destruction of cancer cells products of photochemical reactions that occur in malignant tumors, which have gained selection of pharmaceuticals - photosensitizer when dosed irradiation optical radiation in the wavelength range that correspond to the maximum absorption capacity of the photosensitizer, which used.

Information about newness of the development:
there are Ukrainian patents -- 1 items

corresponds technical description
Guarantees stable results getting

Possibility of transfer abroad:
Licence's sale


Country Ukraine

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