Declared technologies base



Purpose of the development: Overlapping industrial and public buildings and structures.

Recommended application field: Construction of industrial and public buildings and structures.

Technical characteristic: The design of steel structures are put, but for a more effective and efficient use of materials the upper and lower belts are made of elements that work reliably, according to the force of compression and roztyazheniya. Thus, the upper belt is made of ferrocement construction, ie concrete slab reinforced with several layers of reinforcing mesh and the lower zone - and a steel rope.

Advantages over analogues: Due to changes made in the design achieved reduction in the total weight of the coating and labor in consequence of the absence of nodal complex compounds of elements of the lattice.

The development stage readiness: tested in laboratory condition

Technical and economic effect: Lies in the fact that due to a constructive solution provides compatibility design work and an opportunity to create a spatial coatings with an arbitrary shape and curvature.

Description of the development:
Coatings are built in prefabricated form. Combining these elements together is carried out on the upper belt using bolt-on luminaire at the bottom - a steel rope which passes through the holes in the nodes of the connection.

Information about newness of the development:
there are Ukrainian patents -- 15 items
amount of patent in used -- 15 items

corresponds technical description
Ready for implementation

Possibility of transfer abroad:
Licence's sale
Technological document's sale
Joint production, sale, exploitation


Country Ukraine

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