Declared technologies base



Purpose of the development: Creation of a modern cold pilger rolling mill pipes.

Recommended application field: Production of pipes.

Technical characteristic: Parameters of the rolling tool. Distribution of private deformations along the length of the working cone defines: - Possible degree of deformation of the metal per pass; - Hardening rate and the final mechanical properties; - Metal structure; - The quality of the surface; - The accuracy of the geometric dimensions. Distribution of private deformations determined by the shape tool - the caliber and the mandrel.

Advantages over analogues: The new design of the equipment: - Modernization of the pilger rolling mills elements; - The creation of new mills pilger rolling; - Accessories; - The creation of an automatic production line of precision tubes.

The development stage readiness: Ready for application

Description of the development:
The authors have developed a strong and light working stands, small main drive mechanisms of cold pilger rolling, complete with trim moving masses, the original complexes feeding-and-over mechanisms, automated axial load workpiece, which provide: - Improving the quality parameters of the finished product and the productivity of the mill; - Creation of conditions for rolling tubes with minimal axial forces; - Regulation of the quality parameters of the finished product without stopping the mill. Based on the proven elements of the authors propose the creation of a modern cold pilger rolling mill pipes.

corresponds technical description
Ready for implementation

Possibility of transfer abroad:
Combinated reduction to industrial level
Creation of joint enterprise
Joint production, sale, exploitation


Country Ukraine

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