Declared technologies base



Purpose of the development: Everything for heating points, checkpoints, field medical stations, points of cooking (kitchens).

Recommended application field: Creating effective, compact, modular heat registers, radiators, convectors, dryers, heat guns, air curtains, heaters, infrared heaters heat.

Advantages over analogues: The technology is based on the use of different properties of nanostructured composite materials to provide a new heating element with unique properties: - Low power consumption - when creating the same effect of thermal electricity consumption of thermal devices 5-30% less than conventional heaters TENovyh by significantly greater (compared to Tan) of the surface, the heat transfer is much larger and the thermal barrier layer by heating and consequent cooler. - Reliability - study heaters and practice their long-term use have shown high reliability products. Thus, industrial electric burners operate without failure for more than five years (12 000 hours), while the life of the standard cast-iron burners on the electric TENah various world producers is usually not more than 2000 ... 3000 hours. - Self-power consumption - heaters can be operated without external regulation, as resistive paste create a PTC thermistor effect (high positive temperature coefficient of resistance). The property of self-regulation protects the thermal unit from overheating and insufficient heating, ensuring the stability of the temperature parameters during operation. Using the appropriate denomination resistive paste can be pre-set the desired operating temperature of the heater. - Low thermal inertia - the direct transfer of heat from the heating of the film to the substrate consequent cooler causes an extremely low thermal inertia of the structure, which provides quick access to the heater operation. This feature heaters opens new opportunities for their specific application.

The development stage readiness: Ready for application

Description of the development:
The new technology, which replaced the tubular electric (TENam), based on the use of heaters made of new innovative nanotechnology. The heater is designed as a metal substrate thickness of 1 ... 8 mm with a dielectric coating. On a substrate (of any shape) is applied typographically conductive pattern special resistive paste (of any shape), which is a loop circuit, and securely isolated from the external environment. Heaters create intense directional thermal radiation. Heaters provide uniform heating throughout the area consequent cooler due to the optimization of the topology of the resistor pattern. Technical specification heaters (voltage, power, operating temperature) may vary within a wide range without changing the design of the heater, only by changing the nominal resistive paste. On the same substrate can create multiple compact electric circles with different specifications. In the production of heaters used standard equipment, the manufacturing process can be easily automated.

Information about newness of the development:
there are Ukrainian patents -- 1 items

corresponds technical description
Ready for implementation

Possibility of transfer abroad:
Combinated reduction to industrial level


Country Ukraine

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