Declared technologies base



Purpose of the development: It is used for the enrichment of magnetite ore and oxidized ores weakly Fe2O3, Fe3O4.

Recommended application field: Separation of ferrous metals.

Technical characteristic: To enrich weakly oxidized ores available in Ukraine in large quantities, are designed and manufactured magnetic blocks, provides a powerful field: induction on the surface of the block - 1 T, 10 mm - 0.5-0.6 Tesla. It is also possible separator of similar design with the difference that the magnet system is a permanent magnet is rotated in the direction of the bath in which the iron-containing sludge is fed. Branch of the iron-containing fractions occurs at it out of range of the magnetic system through pipelines.

The development stage readiness: Introduced in production

Description of the development:
The separator is a stationary magnet system, which takes up to 180 °. The magnetic system consists of magnetic blocks, which alternates polarity. Each unit is - small magnet system which provides a high level of the separation zone (induction) and a gradient field strength. Around the magnet system with the help of a drive rotates a thin-walled shell of non-magnetic steel. The product, which is separated is fed to the shell. This magnetic iron-containing fraction is attracted to the magnetic system and out of range of the field falls on the same trajectory, and waste rock, without experiencing the magnetic field falls for another path.

corresponds technical description
Guarantees stable results getting

Possibility of transfer abroad:
Combinated reduction to industrial level


Country Ukraine

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