Declared technologies base



Purpose of the development: Air-thermal systems ASESH-4 ASESH-12 are designed for measuring moisture content of grain (cereals, legumes, oilseeds), grain products (flour, cereals, bran) and seed crops.

Recommended application field: Plants used for determining the moisture content in accordance with GOST 13586.5-93, GOST 9404-88, GOST 26312.7-88, GOST 10856-96, GOST 29143-91 and at grain processing enterprises in mean and average daily samples for acceptance, holidays and shipping, as well as arbitration control definitions.

Technical characteristic: The measuring range of the mass fraction of moisture,% 5 to 45 Operating temperature range, ° C from 60 to 150 Error establishing and maintaining the temperature in the working area, ° C, not more than 2,0 Limits of permissible absolute error,% ± 0,5 The standard deviation of the measurement result,% 0.08% temperature recovery time after loading the weighing bottle with the measured product, min, no more than 10 Power consumption, V * A, no more than 1200 Overall dimensions, mm, no more than 700x300x300 Weight, kg, not more than 22 Terms of Use: ambient air temperature, ° C 20 ± 5 relative humidity 65 ± 15% supply voltage at a frequency of (50 ± 1) Hz, 220 ± 22

Advantages over analogues: Execution ASESH-12 is characterized by having two independent drying chambers, two installation units and temperature regulation, which provides the possibility of establishing different temperatures in each section and for independent measurements in the two chambers at different temperatures.

The development stage readiness: Introduced in production

Description of the development:
Installing implements thermogravimetric (air heat) method of measurement of moisture content, based on the measurement of the analyte sample weights before and after drying, followed by calculation of the values of moisture content. Air-thermal drying chamber is designed for dehydration and has a cast aluminum housing. On the front side of the body four doors are available for access to the cells. The drying chamber is composed of 12 independent cells with a total capacity of up to 24 samples. Each door provides access to three cameras cells. Each cell can be placed one or two weighing bottles on a stand. The drying chamber is provided with a protective plastic casing. The unit has two versions: ASESH-4 and ASESH-12.

Certif 1

corresponds technical description
Conforms to technical characteristic

Possibility of transfer abroad:
Realization of finished commodity


Country Ukraine

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