Declared technologies base



Purpose of the development: Ukrainian company has designed and offers heaters Electra with unique patented intelligent heating system "TermIT".

Recommended application field: Electric boilers "TermIT" is used as a heat source: - in the water systems of individual heating (apartments, private houses, country houses country type, offices, industrial premises, schools, hospitals, agricultural premises, farms, greenhouses, warehouses, service stations, car washes); - in combined heating systems (paired with a solid fuel boiler, paired with a gas boiler in the solar and in floor heating systems); - for heating water, and raw materials (domestic and industrial premises in the presence of the storage tank systems for hot water preparation on livestock farms, the raw temperature of support systems in the food industry).

Technical characteristic: - compact, modular, multifunction control unit that regulates all the settings of the boiler; - modular design, ensuring maximum convenience for installation and maintenance; - vertical connection to the heating system; - the ability to connect an external programmer; - step power control 1/3 + 2/3; - detachable kit includes an automatic lifting device (optional).

Advantages over analogues: - patented design of high-performance heat exchanger with dual sealed; - minimum dimensions and weight at the maximum possible; - built-in circulating pump and an electronic control module software with LCD display; - the programming of the boiler in the context of periods of the day (12 temporary temperature zones); - electronic programming of the pump system of protection against "dry" running with "antizalipaniya" function; - electronic software system anti-freeze at temperatures less than 5 ° C; - intelligent system of dual protection block heaters from overheating.

The development stage readiness: Introduced in production

Technical and economic effect: - Потребление электроэнергии — ~ 25% номинальной мощности; - возможность экономии электроэнергии на ночном тарифе при работе в паре с газовым, твердотопливным котлом, накопительным баком или гелиосистемой.

Description of the development:
Electric boilers "TermIT" designed for the new patented high-performance scheme that is fundamentally different from the proposals of other producers and is a powerful heat generating system in the form of a monoblock small size, consisting of a heat exchanger with electric heaters, built-in circulating pump and microprocessor control unit. The control system allows you to configure an individual daily temperature schedule and operates with trehtarifnym electricity meter. More expensive models are equipped with an electronic module remote monitoring and control modes of the boiler on the GSM-channel with a mobile phone, as well as the sensors of air temperature in the room. It is possible to work together with solar collectors or with other heating boilers.

Information about newness of the development:
there are Ukrainian patents -- 1 items

corresponds technical description
Conforms to technical characteristic

Possibility of transfer abroad:
Licence's sale
Realization of finished commodity


Country Ukraine

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