Declared technologies base



Purpose of the development: To use the waste heat of heat energy and industrial water in the thermal reclamation of agricultural land and produce very early production of berries and vegetables.

Recommended application field: Agriculture, production of early berries, vegetable and flower farm production in the open and protected ground; the system of technical water supply of thermal and nuclear power plants, industrial plants, geothermal natural waters.

Technical characteristic: The evidence base for the effectiveness of the proposed technology obtained through the development of mathematical models of heat transfer in the soil and perform on their basis of numerical calculations on a computer with the formation of temperature fields in the system "soil-ground layer of air", the presence in it of different designs of heat sources as well as setting field research in real natural conditions Rivne region. Solved on a computer soil heating problems plates on its surface, linear point sources in the ground plates with additional soil protection hemispherical film shelters, obtained experimental data and the established laws of the formation of the thermal regime of the soil and air in the conditions of seasonal heating it (March-May), water-filled jacketing sleeve. We used the water with a temperature of 20-30 degrees temperature regime of waste warm waters of the Rivne and Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant.

The development stage readiness: Tested experimental exploitation order

Technical and economic effect: The technology allows (in the climatic conditions of the Rivne region on waste heat circulating water Rivne and Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant) obtain crops of berries and green vegetables for 30-40 days earlier than with open ground, cooling circulating water in the spring of 2-3 degrees and create better conditions for work of cooling devices (reservoirs, gradiren) main technological cycle.

Description of the development:
Technology to improve the thermal regime of the soil and the surface air in early spring periods through the use of waste heat of warm water with a temperature of 20-30 degrees. The technology - passing a thin layer of warm water on the soil surface using a special network-sealed envelopes sleeves and transfer thermal energy from the water in the environment stay (stay) plants. Temperatures of 18-20 degrees water sufficient to maintain in the upper soil layer and the surface layer of the air temperature of about 14-15 degrees at night and cloudy days in spring and cultivation (forcing) of vegetable and fruit crops. This soil areas should be protected additionally translucent structures - temporary film shelters tunnel or cultivation facilities.

Information about newness of the development:
there are Ukrainian patents -- 6 items

corresponds technical description
Guarantees stable results getting

Possibility of transfer abroad:
Combinated reduction to industrial level


Country Ukraine

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