Declared technologies base



Purpose of the development: The Ukrainian University has developed a method for manufacturing gas-thermal coatings for metal parts. Technology based on this method can be used to manufacture coatings of metal parts of modern machines for various purposes in order to improve their performance characteristics.

Recommended application field: Mechanical engineering.

Advantages over analogues: Unlike analogs, the proposed method achieves a significant reduction in the duration of the process and energy consumption, since when heated by a highly concentrated thermal source, unproductive long-term heating of the volume of the entire part is avoided due to the high concentration of specific power that is consumed only for heating the coating with the adjacent base layers. At the same time, the adhesion strength of gas-thermal coatings to the base of metal parts also increases due to the formation of a metallurgical bond between them, caused by the appearance and flow of an anomalous mass transfer of alloying coating elements to the metal and vice versa.

The development stage readiness: tested in laboratory condition

Technical and economic effect: The use of laser thermal cycling can significantly increase the wear resistance of coatings due to a decrease in their porosity while maintaining a high microhardness: - the strength of adhesion of plasma coatings to the base material increases 5-6 times; - a strengthened surface layer is formed of an increased (by 50%) thickness, with a more even distribution of the alloying elements; - the porosity of the coating decreases from 12% to 7%, while its plasticity increases.

Description of the development:
Problems in the application of plasma coatings: the inability to use coatings under the action of bending cyclic alternating loads; low adhesion strength of coatings to the substrate; high porosity of coatings; the possibility of brittle fracture and catastrophic wear. The developer proposes a method for the formation of wear-resistant gas-thermal coatings, including laser thermal cycling, performed without refining the surface in the temperature range of polymorphic transformations of 1273-873 K, at a specific laser radiation power of 1000-10000 W / cm2, and optimum values of the treated area, the number of thermocycles at the depth of heating, Equal to or greater than the thickness of the coating.

Information about newness of the development:
there are Ukrainian patents -- 1 items

corresponds technical description
Ready for implementation

Possibility of transfer abroad:
Licence's sale
Combinated reduction to industrial level


Country Ukraine

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