Declared technologies base



Purpose of the development: This development in the form of a full technological cycle of manufacturing products is intended for use by domestic manufacturers of ceramic materials for the construction industry.

Recommended application field: Building sector. The demand for the development of construction ceramics by enterprises is conditioned by the need to reduce production costs of fuel, utilization of waste products generated during coal mining and enrichment, and the depletion of high-quality clay raw materials used for production needs.

Technical characteristic: Temperature of burning out of volatile substances and products of their pyrolysis, ° С - 550. Semi-dry pressing of semi-finished products and their firing in the usual mode at temperatures of 970 ° C (for bricks) and 1030 ° C (for tiles).

Advantages over analogues: Due to the residual carbon in the prepared coal waste, which serves as the fuel component of the masses, conditions are created for saving gas fuel, which is spent for firing semi-finished products (80% of the required volume), which provides a significant economic effect. Using the organomineral raw material prepared in this manner in an amount of 80-85%, together with 15-20% of scarce local clays, the technology of manufacturing high-quality facade ceramics (brick, tile) with properties that meet the requirements of the corresponding domestic standards harmonized with European standards has been developed.

The development stage readiness: Ready for application

Description of the development:
The developed technology is based on the principles of resource and energy saving and provides for the use of high-carbon waste of flotation enrichment of lean coal as the main raw materials, which are formed and accumulated at enrichment enterprises of coal-mining regions of Ukraine. A feature of the developed technology is the use of preliminary heat treatment of coal waste at the burnout temperature of volatile substances and their pyrolysis products (= 550 ° C). Such a technique allows controlled removal of excess carbon from the waste to its final quantity at an average of 3.5 wt. % and leads to a partial thermal destruction of clay minerals, converts coal waste to a low-carbon pseudoglinous raw material with an activated mineral part. The technology provides for semi-dry pressing of semi-finished products and their firing in the usual mode at temperatures of 970 ° C (for bricks) and 1030 ° C (for tiles).

Information about newness of the development:
there are Ukrainian patents -- 3 items

corresponds technical description
Ready for implementation

Possibility of transfer abroad:
Combinated reduction to industrial level


Country Ukraine

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