Declared technologies base



Purpose of the development: For sizing and final finishing of textile materials from natural and synthetic fibers, an adhesive component in the production of water-soluble adhesives. For the partial replacement of agar-agar with the preparation of EPAA, which does not affect the growth and development of microorganisms and allows to reduce the costs of valuable imported raw materials. As a filler of composite resins it is possible to reduce the content of free formaldehyde in the finished product (plywood, fiberboard, chipboard). Is the form of the EPAA copolymer effectively used the preparation of EPAA-10, corresponds to the best world adhesives.

Recommended application field: Agriculture (improvement of physical and biological properties of soil, carrier of pesticides, nodule bacteria and phages, means for fixing sand), microbiology (for partial replacement of agar-agar with the preparation of EPAA, which does not affect the growth and development of microorganisms and allows to reduce the costs of valuable imported raw materials ), textile (for sizing and final finishing of textile materials from natural and synthetic fibers, an adhesive component in the production of water-soluble adhesives), leather, woodworking schaya industry (as a fill Acha composite resins reduces the free formaldehyde content of the finished product (plywood, OSB)).

Advantages over analogues: On technological indicators and the level of cost has significant advantages: a highly effective compound of biological origin, promotes adherence of pesticides, growth regulators, etc. seed and plants during their growing season; helps plants to withstand drought and increases their resistance to frost; prolongs the duration of action of pesticides, growth stimulants and beneficial bacteria that are part of microbial preparations, readily soluble in water and has a high adhesive ability; increases the resistance of plants to root rot, gland diseases and the like; increases the effectiveness of pesticides by reducing their consumption rates by 25% or more; stimulates plant growth; forms strong films on plants, without interfering with their gas exchange.

The development stage readiness: Introduced in production

Description of the development:
Bioplikogen Epaa-10 is a copolymer based on microbial polysaccharides, which in taximetric parameters refers to non-toxic substances. The preparation of EPAA and its product form EPAA-10 is manufactured in accordance with technical specifications. The conclusion of the state sanitary and epidemiological expertise was obtained for the production of the biological adhesive, the preparation - the hygienic conclusion of the State Sanitary and Hygienic Expertise of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for use in agriculture and the microbiological industry. The drug is protected by a patent for an invention, registered in the State Standard, a data card of a dangerous factor has been developed, and a Certificate of State Registration of a hazardous factor has been obtained.

Information about newness of the development:
there are Ukrainian patents -- 3 items

corresponds technical description
Conforms to technical characteristic

Possibility of transfer abroad:
Licence's sale
Licence's sale
Technological document's sale
Joint production, sale, exploitation


Country Ukraine

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