Declared technologies base



Purpose of the development: Designed for biological laboratories that manufacture bakterodentsid - bacterial preparations for environmentally safe destruction myshepodobnyh rodents in fields, warehouses, gardens.

Recommended application field: Development can be realized on biopredpriyatiyah, laboratories of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, the Ministry of Health to establish a domestic production of environmentally safe low-cost and effective bakterodentsida - Biologicals for destruction myshepodobnyh rodents.

Technical characteristic: Major biotech and specifications: - Capacity 3 l fermenter inoculation; - Capacity of the fermenter to 40 liters of liquid media; - Capacity of the fermenter to 40 liters of medium grain; - The term sterilization of fermenters with the environment autoclave of the type AB-1, VC-75 1-3 hr .; - Bakterodentsida number which is obtained for one cycle of 18-20 kg; - Titer of bacterial culture, imobilizirovannoy on grain, which is achieved by: after 70-80 hours of fermentation 2x10 [9] cells / g .; after 100 hours of fermentation 2x10 -150 [10] cells / g .; - The energy consumption for the production of 1 liter. baktorodentsid with a titer of 2x10 [9] cells / g. 1.65 kW.

Advantages over analogues: The essential features of technical, technological and economic decisions set of equipment for the production of wet grain bakterodentsid has several advantages over similar products. In particular, the design of each of the elements set permits without complications to establish production of seed culture of the 1st and 2 nd generation, carry salmonella imobilizatsiyu on grain. Hours bakterodentsida using the developed equipment is marked by simplicity, reliability and low time consuming. Application kit allows you to receive bakterodentsid with high titers. This allows not only to reduce the rate of use of the drug, but also use it to reduce not only small myshepodobnyh rodents and rats. In addition, apply additional fermeter for culturing bacteria on grain environments. Technological and economic characteristics of the set of equipment make it competitive on the domestic and world market instruments similar purpose.

The development stage readiness: Tested experimental exploitation order

Technical and economic effect: The economic attractiveness of the development is based on the presence of structural features of each of the elements of the set, which provide a simple and low labor intensity, reliable performance at all stages of use bakterodentsida. Low production cost due to both the use of a set for its production of relatively inexpensive equipment parts mass production and simple design of fermenters, air purification systems, which allows to adjust their production in modern workshops at no additional cost. Estimated price set (excluding the cost of the compressor and the gas meter) $ 800. It is expected a significant decrease in prices set in series production components. Skill Development with ITI "Bioengineering".

Description of the development:
Equipment for the production bakterodentsida intended for biological laboratories that manufacture bakterodentsid - bacterial preparations for environmentally safe destruction myshepodobnyh rodents in the fields of stock, gardens. The active ingredient - Salmonella enterіtіdіs var. Іsatschenko. Using the developed equipment allows all stages of production bakterodentsida improve the conditions of cultivation of Salmonella by continuous aeration. This makes it possible to accelerate the production of biological product and a factor of 3-4 to reach a titer of bacteria imobilizirovannyh cereal medium, at 10 times higher than that provided using conventional technologies. The set consists of a set of equipment for the fermentation of microorganisms in liquid media and the fermenter for cultivation of bacteria on a medium grain with a device for sampling for analysis. Additionally equipped with a compressor to supply air and gas meters. Designed equipment is characterized by simplicity of design. This enables uncomplicated operate, quickly organize the production of composite elements set in modern workshops at no additional cost. Set of equipment has been used for the production of 500 kg bakterodentsida wet grain. The efficiency of the manufactured bakterodentsida was confirmed in tests in Uchkhoz Trofimov Ovidiopol district of Odessa region.

Information about newness of the development:
there are Ukrainian patents -- 1 items

Possibility of transfer abroad:
Licence's sale
Realization of finished commodity


Country Ukraine

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