Declared technologies base



Purpose of the development: Inventory of land and soil, their bonitirovanie, monitoring the state of soil and agrochemical measures optimal planning and reclamation techniques.

Recommended application field: Soil science, soil geography.

Technical characteristic: Determine the accuracy and detail of the soil contours, the ability to create any different scale soil maps of the study area, both electronically and in hard copy in the proposed method is achieved by analyzing data bagatospektralnogo open soil surface scan accurate methods using modern technology of the cameral and field studies.

Advantages over analogues: The developed method makes it possible to increase the information content of the resulting map of brightness due to the communication between the brightness of the image space and indicators of soil particle size distribution.

Technical and economic effect: Proposed way of creating electronic soil maps provides the necessary accuracy and detail definition of soil contours, the ability to create different scales of soil maps of any survey area, both electronically and in hard copy.

Description of the development:
Create soil maps held on the basis of space multispectral images, which is handled by cluster analysis using geographic information systems and produce maps of soil brightness ranges that are tied to the system of geographical coordinates, each of them with the help of field studies determine soil differences and identify them in the future with similar brightness in the regions studied.

Information about newness of the development:
there are Ukrainian patents -- 1 items

Possibility of transfer abroad:
Licence's sale


Country Ukraine

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