Declared technologies base



Purpose of the development: Freezing of the casting billet cylinder liners forced diesel engines.

Recommended application field: Making small batches of exclusive parties and cylinder liners for diesel engines uprated type D-260 tractors, trucks and combines.

Technical characteristic: Specifications: - Size pieces , mm: OD - 140; - Wall thickness - 18; - Height - 270 - Structure: matrix : in the outer (4 - 5 mm ) layer - perlitoferritnaya ( P60 - P85 , HB 217-237 ) , in the area of the working surface of the liner - pearlite ( P96 -P ; Pd0 ,5- PD1 , 0; HB 229-255 ); Graphite : in the outer ( 2 - 4 mm ) zone of cast billets as point or melkoplastinchatyh inclusions ( PGr8 , PGd15 , PG8 ) , in the inner layers - evenly distributed tonkoplastinchaty straight and swirling forms PGr1 ; ( PGr8 ) PGd45 - PGd90 , PG8 - PG10 . - Foundry equipment : weight semiautomatic casting plant - 4.5 m ; production area of the casting area - 60 m2 ; Performance - 100 - 150 castings / h ; the yield - 90 - 95%.

Advantages over analogues: Strength characteristics sleeves exceed those of serial products . In particular, the mean bursting pressure was 48.8 MPa sleeves , which is 32 % higher than the similar characteristics of cylinder liners manufactured by " Motordetal " Kostroma and 14% of the company " Ichin " , Czech Republic. Preparation of hollow cylindrical castings without the use of a rod in a stationary ( non-rotating ) water-cooled metal mold . Eliminates the formation of shrinkage and gas porosity , shrinkage cracks ; there is provided a workpiece with a highly structure , increased strength, density and hardness ; creates favorable conditions for the process control of structure and achieve the desired properties in the castings . The distribution of the structural components in cast liner blank can not be played by any of the known methods for producing moldings of this type. Technological process allows to obtain hollow cylindrical workpiece measuring length without the use of the rod.

The development stage readiness: Introduced in production

Description of the development:
The technological process is based on the method of continuous cyclic freezing of the casting ( NTSLN ) . It is based on the principle of directional solidification , in which the casting is formed under intense heat sink in the water-cooled mold , and its inner surface is formed by the direct interaction with the melt casting process involves filling a steel water-cooled mold molten metal below the shutter speed to form the casting and its removal from the mold up while topping up with a new portion of the melt. Flow into the mold is made of metal using a single metalloprovoda , lined with refractory material. The process is performed in a continuous - loop mode , the rate of which is given by the speed of solidification in the mold casting desired thickness. Combining into a single casting process and heat treatment ensures the formation of castings with given structure and properties without using extra energy . To finalize the technology and equipment to the level of industrial use must be at least 180 000 €.

Possibility of transfer abroad:
Licence's sale
Realization of finished commodity


Country Belarus

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