Declared technologies base



Purpose of the development: Designed for multi-line ridge sowing.

Recommended application field: Agriculture and farming.

Advantages over analogues: Application carefully designed drills (compared with razbrosnym way of sowing) reduces fuel seeds (depending on s.h culture) to 25-50%, reduced the complexity of caring for plants (thinning, weeding) to 25-30%, increases productivity by 20 - 25%.

The development stage readiness: Tested experimental exploitation order

Description of the development:
Designed and manufactured an experimental model of universal hand drills with sowing machine with interchangeable seed disc that allows for sowing vegetable seeds and pods of legumes (up to seven rows) on a pre- sliced crests with aisles 60,70 and 90 cm sowing seeder allows both smooth field and on the ridges , including in greenhouses. Seeder has : sowing machine with interchangeable disks for sowing the seeds of various crops; prominent runners opener , copying relief ridge provides a uniform seed depth ; coulter with stroke limiter , combined with the functions of earthing devices ; mechanism providing simultaneous lifting of all openers , regardless of the starting position . Was tested 20.04.2000g . at a scientific conference in the Tajik Agrarian University.

Possibility of transfer abroad:
Licence's sale
Realization of finished commodity


Country Tajikistan

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