Analytical Reference


  International experience in assessing STI and the impact of STI on the economy


  Analysis of the global scientific and technological researches on the subject «Information technology in the military sphere» using the tools of the platforms Web of Science and Derwent Innovation


  Key spending units of the state budget in technology transfer sphere activities’ results in 2023



  Australia's experience in the development of strategic documents aimed at the elaboration and implementation of innovation and research

  The state of innovation and the implementation of priority areas of innovation for the period 2012-2021



  Implementation of medium-term priority areas of innovative activity at the industry level and the results obtained in 2021


  Scientific and scientific-technical activity in Ukraine in 2021


  Results of the fulfillment of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for scientific research and scientific and technical (experimental) developments, other areas of budget financing of the sphere of scientific and scientific-technical activities in 2021

  Study of patent activity regarding the protection of the marine environment and marine and coastal ecosystems in the direction of "Marine ecosystem"


  Research of patent activity for the protection of the marine environment and marine and coastal ecosystems in the direction of "Biology of the sea / ocean"


  Research of patent activity for the protection of the marine environment and marine and coastal ecosystems in the direction of "Biodiversity"


  Research of patent activity on the infrastructure for the protection of the marine environment and marine and coastal ecosystems in the direction of "Research infrastructure: large research infrastructure – research fleet"


  Research of patent activity for the protection of the marine environment and marine and coastal ecosystems in the direction "Ecology of the sea, rivers and ocean"


  Research of patent activity on the infrastructure for the protection of the marine environment and marine and coastal ecosystems in the direction of "Research infrastructure: ocean observation infrastructure"


  Research of patent activity on the infrastructure for the protection of the marine environment and marine and coastal ecosystems in the direction of "Port infrastructure"


  Implementation of priority areas for the development of science and technology and the results obtained in 2021


  Results of the fulfillment of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for scientific research and scientific and technical (experimental) developments, other areas of budget financing of the sphere of scientific and scientific-technical activities in 2021

  Implementation of medium-term priority areas of innovative activity at the national level in 2021


  Analysis of promising world scientific and technological directions of research on the topic «Production of machines, machinery, equipment, vehicles, weapons and ammunition, various systems for the naval forces»



   The condition of scientific and innovative activity in Ukraine in 2020


   Implementation of mid-term priority directions of innovation activities at the national level in 2020




  The analysis of promising world scientific and technological areas of research under the Sustainable Development Goal No. 15 on the protection and
  restoration of terrestrial ecosystems using the "Web of Science" and "Derwent Innovation" platforms


  The analysis of promising world scientific and technological areas of research under the Sustainable Development Goal No. 2 according agriculture using
  the "Web of Science" and "Derwent Innovation" platforms


  Innovative activity in Ukraine in 2019



  Promising world scientific and technological areas of research in the field of "Air"


   Analysis of promising world scientific and technological research areas according to Sustainable Development Goal No. 3 "Good health and well-being" using
   the "Web of Science" and "Derwent Innovation" platforms tools: scientific and analytical note


Стан інноваційної діяльності та діяльності у сфері трансферу технологій в Україні у 2016 році

Реалізація середньострокових пріоритетних напрямів інноваційної діяльності загальнодержавного рівня у 2016 році



  • Національна академія педагогічних наук України
  • DB «Technologies of Ukraine»
  • DB "Research, developmental works and dissertations of Ukraine"
  • DB «Innovative technologies and developments»
  • DB «Scientific periodicals of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine»
  • DB «Scientific and technical events»