State Scientific Institution "Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information" (abbreviated name - UkrISTEI) was formed in accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 25, 2015, No. 1027 and the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 21.12.2015. through the merger of the state scientific institution "State Institute of Scientific, Technical and Innovative Expertise" (EDRPOU 20590746) and the Ukrainian Institute of Scientific, Technical and Economic Information (EDRPOU 16308272) and are their successor.
UkrISTEI is a state institution that is held at the expense of the state budget and belongs to the management of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, which is the property management body.
Acting Director - Volodymyr KAMISHIN, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of pedagogical sciences, candidate of technical sciences, senior researcher, laureate of the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR in the field of science and technology and the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of education.
Ukrainian institute of scientific and technical expertise and information established to implement and scientific maintenance on implementation of state policy in the field of scientific and technical expertise, scientific and technical information, innovation activity and technology transfer.
MISSION of the Institute is to provide scientific, technical and innovation development by expert, information and consulting support.
Scientific research and scientific and technical developments:
- - monitoring and analytical research processes in scientific, technical and innovation spheres;
- - development of legal acts projects and scientific and methodological documents on scientific and technical expertise, scientific and technical information, innovation activity and technology transfer;
- - forecasting scientific, technical and innovation development of the country;
- - preparation of analytical reviews on the status, experience and current issues of scientific, technical and innovation activities in Ukraine and abroad.
Organization and conducting scientific and technical expertise:
- - scientific and technical projects (offers, requests) submitted to the competition: the state order for scientific and technical products; Basic research state fund; the awards of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for the development and implementation of innovation technologies and others;
- - scientific and research, research and development work;
- - innovation and investment projects;
- - technology or their components that have been established for the budget at their transfer;
- - organization and conducting of technology audit.
Collection, analysis and dissemination of scientific and technical information:
The Institute is the primary state system organization of scientific and technical information and conducts its activities in this area in the following areas:
- - state registration of scientific and research, research and development work, protected dissertations, technologies and their components that have been established for the budget;
- - formation of scientific and technical information and results of scientific and technical activities funds;
- - publication and dissemination of information materials, magazines, digests and research reviews in scientific, technical and innovation spheres;
- - organization and conducting of the permanent exhibition of the latest technologies and developments, conferences, round tables and other scientific and educational events.
The Institute is a member of the National Scientific and Technical Platform (coordination research center) of the "green" economy and "green" growth.
Intellectual Property Management:
- - consulting and assistance of developers to scientific and technical products in the management of intellectual property;
- - Conducting patent and patent and market research;
- - providing legal assistance in concluding contracts, licensing agreements and agreements on the transfer of rights.
Support of technology transfer:
- - collection and preparing information about promising technologies, establishment and maintenance of appropriate databases and platforms, provide interested parties information on the most promising for commercialization of scientific and technical developments;
- - identifying promising areas of commercialization of scientific and technical developments created in higher education, help in promoting them in the market;
- - consulting on economic, legal and organizational issues of technology transfer and their components;
- - conducting market research.
International activity in scientific and technical spheres:
The Institute is the base organization for the activity of the National Information Centre for EU cooperation in science and technology spheres (Inform EU) the main function of which is to ensure the implementation of the Framework Programme of the European Union research and innovation "Horizon 2020".
The Institute is a member of the International Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI) involved in international projects "Innovation Promotion Network" and "Club of business cooperation"
The Institute, as part of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), created Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC).
E-library of Theses and Dissertations:
The Institute has automated informational fund of research and development work and protected dissertations which are national property of the state. The Fund rmaintains datas of the results of scientific and technical activities of more than 100 thousand documents.
Access to information resources of the Fund is carried out via e-Library which allows to search and access full-text dissertations and reports from the automated workstation of the reader.
Science Startups School:
To promote the development of innovation in the Institute created Science startups school the main activities which will be:
- - the formation and development of the youth entrepreneurial skills in the innovation sphere;
- - creation the platform for the exchange of scientific and technical information;
- - assistance in developing business plans;
- - assistance in searching investors.
Science Museum:
In order to popularize scientific achievements, promote the development of cognitive interests and motivation of young scientists in the Institute planned to create Science Museum.
Lead the research:
- Kamyshyn Volodymyr Viktorovych
- Pysarenko Tetyana Vasylivna
- Chmyr Olena Sergiivna
- Kovalchuk Vasyl Borisovych
The Institute collaborates with 6,286 experts, of which 12 are academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 78 are Corresponding Members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 4563 are Doctors of Sciences, 1633 are Ph.D.
UkrISTEI has its own Internet site based on a powerful web server, which allows you to quickly get new information in the field of science, technology and economics, as well as simultaneously and effectively provide on the domestic and foreign markets information on the latest technologies, business projects, etc.
The Institute conducts international and all-Ukrainian scientific events with the participation of highly skilled specialists.
UkrISTEI has conference halls for 30, 70, 450 seats, exhibition space of 700 square meters, presentation hall, audio and video equipment, which is necessary for events, publishing house.