Analysis of promising world scientific and technological directions of research on the topic «Production of machines, machinery, equipment, vehicles, weapons and ammunition, various systems for the naval forces»

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Shabranska, N.I. Analysis of promising world scientific and technological directions of research on the topic «Production of machines, machinery, equipment, vehicles, weapons and ammunition, various systems for the naval forces»: scientific and analytical note / N.I. Shabranska. – К.: UkrISTEI 2022. – 45 p.

UDC  001.18;002.513.5;355/359-359

ISBN 978-966-479-132-5 (Online)

Shabranska N.I. — PhD in Economics, Senior Researcher of State Institution “Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information”, Antonovicha str., 180, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03150; +38 (067) 367-90-14;; ORCID: 0000-0001-7731-281Х

Abstract. For the development of the marine environment and coastal areas of Ukraine, its scientific, technological and innovative support by relevant scientific research and design developments is important and actual. For this purpose, for preliminary analysis in this area, a study of modern technological trends in the field of scientific and technical marine developments (military-technical aspect) was conducted, based on an information-analytical assessment of international patent databases.
Researched areas: production of machines, equipment, vehicles, weapons and ammunition, various systems for providing naval forces. The data of the international information platform "Derwent Innovation" were used for the period 2017-2021. The dynamics of patenting and the rate of growth of the number of patents in the world and Ukraine in the maritime and naval spheres were evaluated based on the codes of the International Patent Classification using the Derwent Innovation international database.
Based on the results of the study, an analysis of the dynamics of patenting and determination of the growth rate of the number of patents (2021/2017) is presented. Out of 25 thematic areas, 8 areas with the highest rates of patent activity and placement in the blue and green zones of the corresponding landscape maps constructed using Derwent Innovation tools were selected. The most promising technological directions for Ukrainian conditions in the marine and naval spheres for further research and design scientific and technical research have been identified.
The presented results of information and patent research allow to identify the emergence of new technological tendencies, monitor global technological trends, identify advanced achievements and key scientific and technical players in the maritime and naval spheres for planning similar scientific and technical activities in Ukraine with time and resource savings.
Further informational and analytical work in the specified directions should detail them and lead to the development (or correction) of the subject of scientific research works in the naval sphere.

Keyword: selection methods, technological direction, scientific and technological potential, maritime research, naval sphere, patent research, patent activity, promising, forecasting.


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