World scientific and technological trends in the field of ensuring national security

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World scientific and technological trends in the field of ensuring national security: analytical materials

ISBN 978-966-479-109-7 (Online )

UDC 001.18; 002.513.5; 355/359-356.252.5

Kvasha T. K. — Head of Department of State Institution “Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information”, Antonovicha str., 180, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680; +38 (044) 521-00-74;; ORCID: 0000-0002-1371-3531

Abstract. The relative simplicity of the Cold War has given way to a series of crises and conflicts in which both new weapons and weapons which are prohibited, are used, Threats related to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons has increased in the world. The continued use of chemical weapons in armed conflicts, which underscores the fragility of existing agreements over arms control. Nuclear-weapon states continue to develop and modernize it. All the leading countries of the world have joined the race for artificial intelligence, realizing both the competitive advantages provided to them and the danger for a country that will lag behind in this race. The development of artificial intelligence systems in the leading countries of the world is carried out both in the civilian sphere and within the framework of military robotics projects carried out by the military departments.
Today, security research requires an integrated approach that takes into account both the dynamics of weapons (nuclear, conventional, space, etc.), types and methods of warfare, and areas of scientific and technological research in the military sphere.
This work provides directions for conducting scientific research and new technologies in the field of weapons and military equipment based on the analysis of publications of international analytical, consulting agencies, state authorities of foreign countries in the following areas: information and communication technologies, aerospace, operational combat control systems, communications, computers, intelligence, biotech weapons. Drivers and development problems of the respective industries are presented. The directions of military scientific research in the USA, Great Britain, Israel, EU are also presented.
The main goal is to determine the vanguard world directions of scientific and technological developments in the field of weapons and military equipment for the development of the national armed forces of Ukraine, improving the organization of scientific research and ensuring the national security of the state.
The main innovations in the field of weapons are complexes of interaction between machines and military personnel, unmanned combat vehicles and robots, autonomous weapons, hypersound, directed energy, as well as social technologies such as "talent management", that is, the development of creative potential and the involvement of military personnel and employees of defense enterprises into the innovation process.
The pace of change will be most rapid over the next 20 years in computing and robotics. Moore's Law, which says that the bandwidth and speed of computers doubles every 18-24 months, may not be in effect, but rapid progress is likely to continue. Seven categories of military technology are likely to see growth as well, but at a slower pace - chemical sensors, radio communications, laser communications, radio frequency weapons, non-lethal and biological weapons. Another 19 categories of key military technologies, including sensor technologies or the main components of weapon platforms such as ground combat vehicles, aircraft, ships and missiles, are likely to develop only at a moderate pace.

Keywords: the latest weapons and military equipment, global technological trends, drivers, market prospects.


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