National Repository of Academic Texts: Open Access to Scientific Information: monograph / O. Chmyr, T. Kvasha, T. Yaroshenko – K.: UkrISTEI, 2017. – 200 p.
ISBN 978-966-479-085-4 (Print),
ISBN 978-966-479-086-1 (Online)
UDC 021.61(477):001.102
Chmyr О.S. — Doctor Sc. in Economics, Professor, Head of Department of the State Scientific Organization “Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information”, ORCID:
Kvasha T. K. — Head of the Department of the State Scientific Organization “Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information”, ORCID:
Yaroshenko T.O. — Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Vice President for Research and Informatization of the National University of Kyiv Mohy-la Academy, ORCID:
Chukanova S.O. — Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Leading Librarian of the Scientific Library of the National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy, ORCID:
Dmytryshyn V. S. — Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, First Deputy Director of the State Scientific Organization “Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information”, ORCID:
Tykhonkova I. O. — Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Scientometric Resources and Training Specialist at Clarivate Analytics (USA), ORCID:
Popkova N.H. — University Master Student, Senior Librarian of the Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania), ORCID:
Kaplenko I. M. — Director of the Library and Information Center of the Sumy State University, ORCID:
Shcherbak Ya. O. — Librarian of the 1st Category of the Library and Information Center of the Sumy State University, ORCID:
Voronkov V. I. — Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Scientific Secretary of the State Scientific Organization “Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information”
Review by:
Kamyshyn V. V., Doctor in Pedagogical sciences, PhD (Technical sciences), Corresponding member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, laureate of the State Award of the Ukrainian SSR in the field of science and technology, of the State Award of Ukraine in the field of education, acting Director of the State Scientific Institution "Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information";
Pyla V. I., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Public Management and Administration, Khmelnitsky University of Management and Law;
Abstract. An overview of modern scientific approaches to the interpretation and classification of scientific information is presented. The essence of information as an important component of science, education and innovation is revealed.
Summary information on scientific and practical aspects of open access infrastructure development is provided. The content of the concept of open access is presented, its advantages and disadvantages are analysed. Approaches to open research are generalized, examples of the development of citizen science are given.
The role of repositories in modern scientific communications is demonstrated. A brief overview of the history of electronic archives and the dissemination of the open and mixed access model are made. The classification of repositories is given.
The open/free Creative Commons licenses are described and the prospects of their distribution in Ukraine from the standpoint of domestic legislation are analysed.
The foreign and domestic experience of open science is analysed. Describes the history of creation, functionality and benefits of the Web of Science platform. The experience of the Lithuanian electronic library in creating an integrated information system, a consortium of academic libraries, the formation and operation of eLABa is presented. The structure, content and policy of the institutional repository of Sumy State University are described. The history of creation, purpose and structure of EDAS R&D of Ukraine is shown. Information on Ukrainian institutional repositories is given.
Information about the place of Ukraine in international rankings according to the main indicators of the development of the sphere of science, education and innovation, as well as according to state statistics is presented. The problems accumulated in these areas are summarized, urgent issues that need to be addressed are identified. Those of them that relate to open scientific archives are described from the standpoint of domestic needs, and parallels are drawn with decisions made in the EU. Information on the distribution of repositories in the world is given.
The perspective directions are described and the original model of creation in Ukraine of the National repository of academic texts is offered. It is intended to be not only a repository of academic texts but also a repository for related data (data sets, results and descriptions of experiments, techniques, mathematical models used, clinical trials, etc.). Also, the feasibility of including patent information and large data sets in the repository is shown. It is proposed to form collections of academic texts to promote certain scientific, scientific-technical and innovative priorities. The necessity of forming special tools of scientific communications on the repository platform, including to exchange information between researchers, discuss the results obtained, publicly review academic texts, place proposals for innovators, etc. are shown.
An expert assessment of the probable number of participants in the National Repository project and its users are presented. The information on normative-legal acts of Ukraine that regulate the creation of digital archives and, in particular, the National repository of academic texts results is provided.
The monograph was prepared based on the results of the study "Development of requirements for the creation of the National Repository of Academic Texts, the formation of its structure and standards" (№ DR 0117U004315), commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Keywords: Open science, open access, National repository, scientific research, academic texts, repository, archive, digital archive, electronic archive, scientific infrastructure, research infrastructure, e-infrastructure, scientific communications, open licenses.
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